業務実績の御報告 Report on business performance



Thanks to you, Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office has received a total of 82 consultations from business executives and individuals in the first half of 2024 (January to June), and completed 70 cases (30 license applications and 40 civil law cases).
All 30 license applications to government agencies and other organizations were approved.
The 40 civil law cases included 10 wills, 15 estate division agreements, 2 inherited property investigations, 6 certified documents, and 7 notarized documents (other than wills), and all of the work was completed successfully.
Thank you for your time.

1⃣ 市民法務の御相談
(① 相続の御相談空き家問題の御相談
2⃣ 契約書作成の御相談
3⃣ リサイクル品販売業(古物商)許可の御相談
4⃣ 在留許可・永住許可の御相談 
5⃣ 著作権の御相談
6⃣ 都市型農作権品種登録の御相談
7⃣ 法務・許認可(建設・宅建)の御相談

Business handled
1⃣ Consultations on civil legal matters
(① Consultations on inheritance ② Consultations on vacant house issues)
2⃣ Consultation on contract creation
3⃣ Consultation on license for selling recycled goods (second-hand goods dealer)
4⃣Consultation regarding residence permit and permanent residence permit
5⃣ Copyright consultation
6⃣ Urban farming rights variety registration consultation
7⃣ Legal and licensing consultation (construction and real estate)

報酬額表はこちらから The reward table can be found here


Tokyo Duk-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office also accepts consultations on matters other than the above areas of practice, so please feel free to contact us.

©2023 東京デュークレイ行政法務行政書士事務所  
All rights reserved.

©2023 Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office
All rights reserved.


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