Resident permission accepted Request outline required
Resident status and workable occupations in Japan
All foreigners who have entered and resided in Japan will enter Japan if they do not meet any of the status of residence stipulated in the “Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act” (hereinafter referred to as the “Immigration Act”).
The status of residence is roughly classified into three types according to the occupations that can be worked in Japan.
Status of residence | Occupations that can be worked in Japan |
1⃣ Permanent resident 1⃣ Japanese spouse, etc. 1⃣ Spouse of permanent resident, etc. 1⃣ Naturalized person | ① You can work in all occupations in Japan. ② It is okay to work in all jobs and occupations. |
2⃣ Diplomacy / Public / Professor / Art / Religion / Press 2⃣ Investment / Management / Law / Accounting / Medical / Research / Education / Technology 2⃣ Humanities / International Business 2⃣ Intra-company transfer / Box office / Skills | ① Only occupations within the status of residence can be employed. ② You can work only for jobs and occupations within the scope of your status of residence. |
3⃣ Cultural activities 3⃣ Short stay 3⃣ Study abroad 3⃣ School attendance 3⃣ Intern&Training 3⃣ Family stay 3⃣ Specific activity | As a general rule, you cannot work. However, you can work part-time if you have permission for activities outside the status of qualification. Even if you have a permit for activities outside the qualifications, you can only do the following part-time jobs. 🅰 Part-time job within 28 hours a week ※For auditors, research students, and students, it is shorter than 28 hours a week. 🅱 It is necessary that the part-time job is not an amusement business (including a business that have a negative impact on morality). |
Procedures for foreigners to enter Japan from abroad
Submit the application for issuance of a certificate of residence status to the Immigration Bureau that has jurisdiction over your address.
①The agent will apply for the issuance of a certificate of residence status to the Immigration Bureau that has jurisdiction over the place of residence. ②When the agent receives the Certificate of Eligibility issued by the Immigration Bureau that has jurisdiction over the place of residence, it will be mailed to the foreign country where the foreigner resides. ③Foreigners who are planning to enter Japan apply for a visa by attaching a certificate of status of residence to a diplomatic mission abroad (a foreign embassy or consulate of Japan). ④Foreigners residing in foreign countries who are planning to enter Japan will enter Japan with their visa-attached passports issued.
※Depending on the status of residence, the agent is eligible to be an agent for a foreigner residing in a foreign country, such as a relative residing in Japan or an employee of a company with an employment contract.
Documents required for application for issuance of certificate of qualification for residence in Japan by working visa
The following documents (1) to (8) are required for application.
(1)Application for issuance of status of residence certificate (2)Employment-related contract documents
(3)Company profile documents, certificate of all registered matters of
corporations (company, etc.) issued by the Regional Legal Affairs Bureau of
the Ministry of Law of Japan
(4)Company financial statements
(5)Foreigner’s curriculum vitae
(6)1 photo of a foreigner (4cmx3cm)
(7)Graduation certificate certifying foreigner’s academic history, foreigner’s
work history certificate, etc.
(8)Copy documents of foreign passport
Penalties imposed on employers for hiring foreigners residing in Japan illegally under the Immigration Control Act
In many cases, the cases of foreigners residing illegally under the Immigration Control and Refuge fall under any of the following (1) and (2).
(1)Foreigners have entered Japan illegally and are staying illegally, even though they do not meet the status of residence stipulated in the Immigration Control and Refuge Law.
(2)When foreigners entered Japan, they had one of the statuses of residence stipulated in the Immigration Control and Refuge, but after that, despite the expiration of the valid period, they continued to move to Japan without renewing or changing their status of residence. I am illegally resident.
Employers who make foreigners staying in violation of the Immigration Control Act work illegally knowing that they are staying illegally will be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than 3 years or a fine of not more than 3 million yen. To prevent illegal employment, employers must confirm the status of residence and period of stay of foreigners when hiring them.
Overview of Permanent Residence Permit Application
If a foreigner wants to stay in Japan, it is necessary to apply for a residence permit, and the procedure for a foreigner who has received a residence permit to change their status of residence to a permanent residence is the application for permanent residence.
◎ Basic conditions for foreigners to be granted permanent residence
1⃣ Good behavior
⇒ Comply with the law and lead a life that is not socially criticized as a resident in daily life.
2⃣ Possessing sufficient assets or skills to make an independent living
⇒The person should not become a burden on the public in daily life, and should be expected to lead a stable life in the future from the viewpoint of the assets or skills possessed by the person.
3⃣ Permanent residence of the person is deemed to be in the interests of Japan.
⇒① In principle, the applicant must have stayed in Japan continuously for 10 years or more. However, within this period, it is necessary to continue to stay in Japan for 5 years or more with a work status (excluding the status of residence “Technical Intern Training” and “Specified Skilled Worker No. 1”) or residence status.
⇒② You have not been sentenced to a fine or imprisonment. Appropriately fulfilling public obligations (such as tax payment, payment of public pension and public medical insurance premiums, and reporting obligations stipulated in the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act).
⇒③ With regard to the current status of residence, the applicant must be staying in Japan with the longest period of stay stipulated in Appended Table 2 of the Regulations for Enforcement of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
⇒④There is no risk of being harmful from the viewpoint of public health.
*However, if you are a spouse or child of a Japanese, permanent resident or special permanent resident, you are not required to meet 1⃣ and 2⃣. In addition, persons recognized as refugees are not required to comply with 2⃣.
◎ Documents required for permanent residence permit application
The following documents (1) to (14) are required.
(1) Application for Permanent Residence
(2) Statement of reasons
⇒ A document written by the applicant in Japanese about the reason/motive for wanting permanent residence ⇒ Not required if the reason/motive is obvious at first glance or if the applicant has been recognized as a refugee
(3) the income and payments of the applicant or the applicant’s dependents for the past three years;
⇒① Withholding certificate or certificate of tax payment issued by the director of the tax office (two types of certificate stating tax amount and certificate stating income amount)
⇒② Tax payment certificate (property tax, resident tax, business tax, etc.)
(4) Assets of the applicant or the person supported by the applicant (deposits and savings, stocks, real estate
〇 Real estate ⇒ Land registration certificate of all matters / Building registration certificate of all matters
〇 Deposits and stocks ⇒ balance certificates issued by financial institutions and securities companies, etc.
(5) Evidence of employment for the past three years of the applicant or the applicant’s dependents;
Materials to clarify
〇 Salaried worker ⇒ Certificate of employment
〇 Self-employed person who needs license ⇒ Copy of license certificate
〇 Business owner/Corporate officer
⇒① Certificate of corporate registration
⇒② A copy of the income statement and a copy of the business report for the past three years
〇 Self-employed persons who cannot obtain occupational certificates ⇒ Certificates from business partners, etc.
(6) Health certificate (issued at a hospital designated by the Immigration Bureau)
⇒Not required if it is clear that the patient is not suffering from a disease that is harmful to public health.
⇒ Not required for those under 16 and over 70.
(7) Materials certifying marital or parent-child relationships ⇒① Official certificate of marriage, birth, recognition, adoption, etc.
⇒② Documents such as certificates and photographs of those involved
(8) Curriculum Vitae (form of Immigration Bureau)
⇒ A document describing the applicant’s history in Japanese in chronological order, including residence, education, work history, status, skill qualifications, and rewards and punishments.
(9) Overview of relatives residing in Japan (form of Immigration Bureau)
⇒ A document describing the relationship, name, age, status of residence, occupation, income (monthly income), and address in Japanese by classifying the applicant’s relatives into Japan and overseas (overseas).
(10) Copies of certificates of commendation, letters of appreciation, certificates of decoration, letters of recommendation, etc.
(11) Resident card/closed alien registration card or resident card of applicant and family
(12) Materials related to personal guarantee
⇒① Letter of guarantee for one person who does not belong to the same household
(form sheet from the Immigration Bureau)
⇒② Documents certifying the occupation of the guarantor and income tax certificate for the most recent fiscal year
⇒③ Documents in (11) above
(13) Applicants who have had Japanese nationality in the past shall
Materials proving
⇒Removal certificate, etc.
(14) Other documents specifically instructed to be submitted by an official of the Immigration Bureau
At Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office, we act as an agent for applications with the complicated and diverse necessary documents corresponding to the status of residence as outlined in the above permission application.
To apply for a residence permit, (1) the applicant, who is a foreigner residing in Japan, must appear at the Immigration Bureau and submit the application documents. The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the result of refusal of permission must be answered directly to the applicant.
However, in practice, it is difficult to apply in person, so administrative scriveners who are qualified as intermediary agents at the Immigration Bureau can apply on behalf of the applicant and are exempted from appearing in person (Enforcement of immigration control Ordinance Article 6-2).
Compensation regulations
1⃣ When receiving a request, we ask that you pay the full amount as a deposit for remuneration of 100,000 yen (excluding tax) or less. Please note that we may ask you to pay the actual cost in advance.
2⃣ When receiving a request, for remuneration over 100,000 yen (excluding tax), we ask that 50% of the remuneration amount be paid as a deposit at the time of request. In addition, we ask that you pay the remaining 50% and the actual cost settlement amount when the work is completed. Please note that we may ask you to pay the actual cost in advance.
3⃣ Please note that we will not refund the start fee if the work is completed in the middle due to the client’s convenience.
Estimated reward
1⃣ Application for permission to obtain a status of residence: Basic remuneration ¥70,000 (excluding tax) ~
(Management/management ¥50,000 (excl. tax) ~ additional charge)
2⃣ Application for permission to renew status of residence: Basic remuneration ¥50,000 (excluding tax) ~
(if not accompanied by changes)
3⃣ Application for permission to change status of residence: Basic fee ¥120,000 (excluding tax) ~
(Management/Management ¥50,000 (excl. tax) ~ additional charge)
4⃣ Application for issuance of certificate of eligibility: Basic fee ¥ 120,000 (excluding tax) ~
(Management/Management ¥50,000 (excl. tax) ~ additional charge)
5⃣ Application for re-entry permit: Basic fee ¥120,000 (excluding tax)
6⃣ Application for permission to engage in activities other than those permitted under the status of residence previously granted: Basic remuneration ¥20,000 (excluding tax) ~
7⃣ Application for issuance of work qualification certificate: Basic remuneration ¥ 50,000 (excluding tax) ~
8⃣ Japanese visa application (short-term stay): basic fee ¥ 50,000 (excluding tax) ~
9⃣ Permanent residence permit application: Basic fee ¥ 150,000 (excluding tax) ~
Note 1) Naturalization permission applications are handled by the Nationality
Division of the Legal Affairs Bureau of the applicant’s address.
Application for naturalization permission: Basic remuneration of ¥200,000
(excluding tax)~
Legal Affairs Bureau Fee: Free
Note 2) For translation of foreign language documents for application, the basic
fee is ¥30,000 for up to 6 pages of A4 size, and ¥10,000 (excluding tax) will
be added for each page created after the 7th page.
Note 3) The actual cost of the Tokyo Immigration Bureau fee will be charged
(As of April 1, 2023)
1⃣ Application for status of residence: Free
2⃣ Permission to renew status of residence: ¥4,000 (tax exempt)
3⃣ Permission to change status of residence: ¥4,000 (tax exempt)
4⃣ Issuance of certificate of eligibility: Free
5⃣ Re-entry permit: ¥3,000 once (tax exempt), ¥6,000 several times (tax exempt)
6⃣ Permission to engage in activities other than those permitted under the status of residence previously granted: Free
7⃣ Issuance of work qualification certificate: 680 yen (tax exempt)
8⃣ Japanese visa application (short-term stay): The applicant pays to the overseas Japanese consulate in the applicant’s home country.
9⃣ Permanent residence permit application: ¥ 8,000 (tax exempt)
Estimated reward (consultation)
Consultation by face-to-face: @ 5,000 yen per hour (excluding tax)
Note 1) Simple consultation for the same project after starting is free (within 30
minutes once).
Note 2) In the case of acting as an agent for various notification procedures to
the Tokyo Immigration Bureau, government offices, financial institutions, etc., }
a daily allowance @ 5,000 yen per hour (excluding tax) and actual expenses such as transportation expenses may be added.

Tokyo Duk-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office also accepts consultations on matters, so please feel free to contact us.
※Our business is aimed at corporate and individual customers residing in Japan, so we cannot respond to inquiries from outside Japan.

©2023 Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office
All rights reserved.