Hideo Toyokawa, Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist at Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office, thoroughly respects the privacy of clients and protects and handles personal information.
Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialists are subject to strict confidentiality obligations under Article 12 of the Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialists Law, and there are also penal provisions for violations of this.
1 Clarification of the name of the business operator handling personal information and the scope of personal information covered by it
This privacy policy is collected and used by Hideo Toyokawa, Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist at Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office. This is an explanation of the basic concept of personal information protection, targeting personal information.
2 Purpose of use of target personal information
Hideo Toyokawa, Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist at Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office, will not handle personal information beyond the scope of the following purposes of use.
(1) Acquisition and use within the range necessary for business execution requested by the client.
1) Agency work for preparing and submitting documents submitted by public offices
2) Document preparation and agency work for rights and obligations or proof of facts
3) Consultation work for the above
(2) This site Answers to mail consultations and telephone consultations inquired by the client himself.
(3) In addition to the previous two items, seasonal greetings such as follow-ups, law revision news, etc. for clients who have requested or inquired in the past.
In order to achieve the purposes of (1) to (3) above, if the client’s specific sensitive personal information is included, we will fully recognize it and keep it confidential.
3 Presence or absence of provision to a third party
Hideo Toyokawa, Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist at Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office, will not provide or disclose personal information to a third party without obtaining the consent of the person in advance. Hmm.
4 Supervision to outsourced companies
Hideo Toyokawa, Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist at Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office, may outsource the handling of personal information. In that case, he will conclude a contract and check the implementation status to ensure proper handling.
5 Implementation of security management and storage of personal information
Hideo Toyokawa, Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist at Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office, handles personal information as necessary, systematically, humanly, and physically.
And technical safety management measures will be implemented to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information, and at the same time, promptly notify the person of the facts even if an accident occurs. We will take prompt and appropriate measures, and make every effort to correct it, such as preventing the recurrence of accidents.
In addition, personal information acquired by Hideo Toyokawa, Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist at Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office, will be retained for at least two years from the time the books are closed, based on the obligation to retain books as stipulated in Article 9, Paragraph 2 of the Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialists Law.
6 Compliance with laws and norms
Hideo Toyokawa, Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist at Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office, will comply with the norms such as the Law Concerning the Protection of Personal Information and related guidelines based on it.
In addition, in order to clarify the necessary matters regarding ensuring the proper handling of personal information, we will establish the “Personal Information Protection Rule” and have officers and staff comply with it.
7 Continuous improvement of personal information protection system
Hideo Toyokawa, Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist at Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office, reviewed this privacy policy and personal information protection rules as appropriate, and revised all or part of them. We must do something before we go on. If this revision is made, it will be clearly stated in this privacy policy and will be announced on the website.
8 Request for disclosure of retained personal data, etc.
Regarding the retained personal data of Hideo Toyokawa, Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist at Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office, the person himself including agents only (1) Notification of purpose of use, (2) Disclosure, (3) Correction / addition / deletion, (4) Suspension / deletion of use, (5) Suspension of provision to third parties, can be billed.
In addition, we will charge a fee for (1) notification of purpose of use and (2) request for disclosure.
9 Opinions and opinions and various inquiries
Opinions and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by
Hideo Toyokawa, Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist at Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office, including this privacy policy. We will respond promptly and appropriately to such matters.
In addition, we will accept inquiries regarding various procedures such as disclosure requests and their fees at the following window.
[Opinions / Inquiries]
Hideo Toyokawa, Specified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist at Tokyo Duke-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office
Telephone / FAX: 03-39278-7069 Email: toyokawa-gyoseisyosi@email.plala.or.jp
10 Created date May 1st, 2023

Tokyo Duk-Rei Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Office also accepts consultations on matters, so please feel free to contact us.
※Our business is aimed at corporate and individual customers residing in Japan, so we cannot respond to inquiries from outside Japan.

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