令和6年台風第10号に伴う災害支援についてDisaster relief for Typhoon No. 10 of 2024

都内幹線道路の模様 2024.8.30筆者撮影




【第2報】令和6年台風第10号に伴う災害に関して 被災中小企業・小規模事業者支援措置を行います | 経済産業省 中小企業庁 (mirasapo-plus.go.jp)

Typhoon No. 10 is moving slowly on its path.

We would like to express our heartfelt condolences to all those affected by the disasters caused by Typhoon Faxai.

The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency has announced support measures for SMEs and small businesses affected by the disasters.

[Second report] Support measures for SMEs and small businesses affected by the disasters caused by Typhoon Faxai | Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency (mirasapo-plus.go.jp)


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