相続財産調査(遺産調査)について      About inheritance property investigation (legacy investigation)



〇 預貯金の財産漏れ
〇 不動産の財産漏れ

When creating an inheritance inventory, an inheritance property survey (legacy survey) is essential to prevent asset leakage. Of course, if the deceased passed away without creating a will or an end-of-life note, it is necessary to investigate whether there are any asset leakages even if they have been created.

〇 Asset leakage from deposits
About 70 billion yen of dormant deposits and savings are generated nationwide every year, and the majority of these are asset leakages at the time of inheritance. Normally, if a deposit is left unattended for 10 years, the financial institution will notify the depositor, but there are many cases where the addressee is unknown or the heir is unknown and the deposit is left unattended, and it is transferred from the financial institution to the Deposit Insurance Corporation and becomes statute-of-limitations in another 10 years. In particular, the majority of asset leakages are due to the depositor’s heir not conducting an inheritance property survey (legacy survey) at the time of inheritance procedures.

〇 Leaked real estate assets
Currently, investigations into inherited real estate assets are conducted after checking the fixed asset tax statement, registered title deed (notification of registration identification information), public map, name register, and joint collateral list of the registered matters certificate (certified copy of the registry). However, there is a high probability of asset leakage, such as tax-exempt land, exclaves, private roads, common areas of condominiums, and real estate located in other prefectures.
The Owned Real Estate Record Certification System, a comprehensive real estate inquiry system, will come into effect in February 2026, but if the real estate is unregistered, it will be considered a missed asset.


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